CT AEC (Computed Tomography Automatic Exposure Control) phantom is used for constancy testing of CT AEC systems.

CT AEC includes:

  • 11x PMMA ellipses of 25mm thickness (different height and width so that they can be re-configured into any order)
  • Each step contains a central hole to accommodate a choice of:
    – Blank inserts for AEC checks (supplied)
    – Tubes to accommodate pencil ion chambers for dosimetry (supplied)
    – SEDENTEXCTIQ image quality inserts (available separately)
  • 2 x sturdy end plates with integral carry handles and adjustable height and length nylon supports
  • Spirit level and pigment-filled centre markings (for easy and reproducible positioning)
  • Wheeled protective storm case with telescopic handle

This design is protected under Community Design Registration No. 002419572-0001

Also available with 50mm thick ellipses as CTAEC-50

TO CTDI plus

TO CTDI plus permits the user to measure the dose index for computed tomography systems. The test object consists of three PMMA cylinders, one cylinder represents the paediatric head (100mm diameter), the second the adult head (160mm diameter) and the other represents the body (320mm diameter). The length of each cylinder is 140mm. Each cylinder contains holes large enough to accept a radiation detector, used to take the dose measurements.

There is a hole at the centre of the cylinders and one at each 90° interval, centred 10mm from the edge of the cylinder. This item is available as a nested phantom (the paediatric head phantom fits inside the adult head phantom which fits inside the body phantom).

TO CTDI plus enables the following tests to be made:

  • CTDI100 (centre)
  • CTDI100 (peripheral)
  • CTDIw (weighted CTDI100)
  • CTDIvol (weighted CTDIw)
  • CTDIfree air

TO CTDI plus is heavy and as such is provided in a tough case with wheels and telescopic handle.

Please note: a CTDI holder is now available for suspension of the TO CTDI plus over the couch end.

SedentexCT IQ

SedentexCTIQ consists of a PMMA cylinder (160 mm diameter) with recesses to house test inserts (fig. 1). Within the body of the cylinder are features for the following tests:

  • Noise/Uniformity
    The lower section of the phantom is uniform PMMA (density 1.20 +/- 1.00%)
  • Geometric Distortion
    An array of 2.0 mm diameter, 3.0 mm deep Air gaps are uniformally pitched at 10.0mm intervals through one slice of the cylinder

Test Inserts are included to perform the following measurements:

  • Spatial Resolution
    • Line Spread Function (LSF) – PMMA/PTFE interface (fig. 2)
    • Point Spread Function (PSF) – 0.25mm diameter stainless steel wire suspended in air (fig. 3)
    • LP/mm – alternating Aluminium/polymer (XY)
      (1.0, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 4.0 and 5.0 LP/mm) (fig. 4)
    • LP/mm – alternating Aluminium/polymer (Z)
      (1.0, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 4.0 and 5.0 LP/mm) (fig. 5)
  • Contrast Resolution (fig. 6)
    1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 mm diameter Al, PTFE, Delrin, LDPE and Air rods suspended in PMMA
  • Pixel intensity (fig. 7)
    10.0 mm diameter Al, PTFE, Delrin, LDPE and Air rods suspended in PMMA
  • Beam Hardening Artefacts (fig. 8)
    A line of three 5.0 mm diameter rods of Ti suspended in PMMA
  • Blank PMMA insert (fig. 9)
  • Automatic Scoring Software (available separately)
    See Radia software for more details

SedentexCT DI

The SedentexCT DI dose index phantom comprises a stack of PMMA plates forming a cylinder representing the adult head. Several types of detector system are catered for:

  • Ionisation chambers
  • Thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs)
  • Gafchromic film
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