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Reference Class Ion Chambers
Designed to be used by calibration laboratories which use reference grade electrometers and bias supplies.

This high dose rate chamber provides an excellent response at therapy and other high energy, high dose rate applications. The fully guarded chamber is mounted at the end of a 12 m low noise triax cable. More Details
The RC6 is an unsealed cylindrical 6 cm3, general-purpose ion chamber, designed for general purpose x-ray measurements. It has excellent energy response throughout the diagnostic energy and with an appropriate build-up cap(optional), the energy range can be extended to 60Co. More Details
The RC6M is an unsealed parallel plate 6 cm3 ion chamber specifically designed for low-energy x-ray measurements. It has a thin entrance window and is suitable for x-ray energies in the range of 10 to 40 keV. ...More Details
The RC60 is an unsealed thin cross-section, parallel plate 60 cm3 ion chamber suitable for x-ray beam measurements with low to intermediate dose rates. It has excellent energy response throughout the diagnostic energy range and with the application of appropriate build-up materials, the energy range can be extended to 60Co. More Details
The RC180 is an unsealed parallel plate 180 cm3 ion chamber suitable for low dose rate x-ray beam or scatter measurements. It has an effective cross section of 100 cm3 and has excellent energy response throughout the diagnostic energy range. With the application of appropriate build-up materials, the energy range can be extended to 60Co. ...More Details
The RC1800 is an unsealed cylindrical 1800 cm3 ionization chamber intended for low dose rate radiation applications such as shielding leakage, low-level irradiator output and environmental measurements. More Details
For use with general purpose electrometers, the 0.6cc thimble ionization chamber is ideal for dose measurements in modern wide beam multi-slice CT. More Details