
For many, the x-rays images taken as part of our regular dental examinations provide the highest source of radiation exposure we encounter on an ongoing basis. As a result, quality assurance for these systems is as critical as other applications with higher individual dose that are used much less frequently.

Basic Dental
This configuration is a powerful and cost effective system for quality assurance and preventative maintenance. The system incorporates a diagnostic multi-sensor for measurement of dose, kV, and filtrations characteristics. The Rapid-Gold digitizer is an excellent match to the selected sensor. The 10”display provides an intuitive touchscreen interface suitable for running the Accu-Gold Windows application.

Advanced Dental
The advanced configuration builds on the basic configuration by adding the 10×6-3CT ion chamber providing gold standard dose measurement accuracy. The digitizer is upgraded to the Accu-Gold+ which supports both solid-state and ion chamber sensors.

Complete Cross Application QA System
The complete system upgrades the diagnostic multi-sensor to the integrated diagnostic/mammography multi-sensor to accommodate most mammography quality assurance tasks. This system also adds an ion chamber suitable for QA on most CT systems. The digitizer is upgraded to Radcal’s flagship product which simultaneously supports solid-state and ion chamber sensors.