The Model 8161AFFT Fluoro Tool is a fluoroscopic contrast resolution test tool. The test tool consists of two 6″ x 6″, 6.1 mm (¼”) thick aluminum plates with each plate containing an array of 1.1 cm targets of varying contrast. Also included in the Fluoro Tool kit are three 6″ x 6″, 1 mm thick copper sheets. The test tool is designed to be used with the copper attenuator sheets positioned close to the source (i.e., at table top) and the aluminum test plate located close to the image detector input as illustrated in Figure 1.
With 2 mm of copper attenuator in the beam and a fluoroscopic x-ray tube potential of 80 kVp, the contrast of the targets in Plates A and B are given in Figure 2 and 3, respectively. Each plate has three columns of three targets with a moderately large (@3%) contrast increment between adjacent targets in the same column. The outer two columns have increasing target contrast increments while the middle column is offset and has decreasing increments. At 80 kVp with 2 mm of Cu attenuator the targets range in contrast from @1% to @9% in Plate A (integer phantom) and from @0.5% to @8.5% in Plate B (half-integer phantom).

Complete Kit – 8161AFFT
Includes: 1 ea Contrast Test Plates A and B
3 1mm Cu Attenuators
1 Attenuator Holder
1 Flat Top Plate
1 Circular Port Top Plate
6 Bungee Fasteners (2) 18″ L, (2) 24″ L, (2) 30″ L
1 Soft Carry/Storage Case
1 User Manual

Basic Kit – 8161AFFT-P
1 ea Contrast Test Plates A and B
3 1mm Cu Attenuators
1 Soft Carry/Storage Case
1 User Manual

Accessory Kit – 8161AFFT-A
1 Attenuator Holder
1 Flat Top Plate
1 Circular Port Top Plate
6 Bungee Fasteners (2) 18″ L, (2) 24″ L, (2) 30″ L