Calibration / Repair Service Request

Radcal’s Goal is Prompt and Friendly Customer Service at a reasonable cost. No Return Authorization # is required. For efficiency, please complete the Calibration/Repair Service Form and we will contact you with a price quote.

You can also contact Radcal Calibration and Repair Services at : or 1-626-357-7921 ext 119.

For our customers in Europe please visit our International Service Centers page.

Service Request Form

  1. Please complete the form below.  No return authorization is required.  *Indicates a required field
  2. Once we receive your completed form we will e-mail you a quote within one business day
  3. If the quote is acceptable, ship us your equipment at your earliest convenience
  4. Upon reciept we will perform a thorough diagnostic inspection of your instruments
  5. If they are in working order, we will immediately proceed with the requested service
  6. If your instrument is in need of repair we will contact you with a full explanation and cost
  7. Promptly providing requested information and authorizations will ensure the quickest return of your equipment

    Product Information

    Cert. of ConformanceCertified Calibration
     Cert. of Conformance Interval: Calibration Interval:
    6 Mos12 Mos-Standard24 Mos6 Mos12 Mos-Standard24 Mos
    Warranty ExtensionRepair

    Shipping Information

    Ship To:

    Bill To:

    Check this box if Billing Address and Mailing Address are the same.

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