Leeds Test Objects’ PIX-13 phantom is designed to be used to check the image quality performance of digital radiography x-ray systems. These tests should be carried out at acceptance to establish a baseline, and on a routine basis, keeping an on-going record of the test results, which will indicate any deterioration in performance.

PIX-13 features the following test details:

  • Tube axis direction markings
  • Limiting spatial resolution (0.6 – 5.0 LP/mm)
  • Low contrast resolution details (6 x 15mm diameter details)
  • Dynamic range (7 different thickness Cu steps)
  • Unstructured are for placement of dosemeter
  • Unstructured area for homogeneity and signal adjustment (centre-marked)
  • Cassette size alignment markers (radiopaque)
  • X-ray to light field alignment markers (radiopaque)

PIX-13 should be used with either PMMA/Cu or Al attenuator plates (available separately).

The phantom is supplied in a soft protective carry bag.

Specification Sheet

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