Quick, Easy Calibration of DAP (KAP) & Patient Dose Systems.

What’s it all about? Patient Dose Calibrator

Traceable Measurements

The PDC is a reference class instrument for “field calibration” of patient dose measurement and control systems thus ensuring the validity of inter-institution patient dose comparisons.

Flexible and Convenient

Use the PDC with a phantom to simulate patient imaging conditions including scattered radiation or mount the PDC on its support stand to measure air Kerma.

Simple to Use

The PDC displays DAP (KAP) and dose rate during an exposure then automatically switches to display accumulated DAP (KAP) and dose on exposure completion.


A tough ABS plastic housing protects the ion chambers and electronics that incorporate several patented features to ensure long-term stability.

The energy dependence of the response of a patient dose calibrator.
Assessment Of An Instrument For Calibrating,Dose Area Product (DAP) Meters


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