Accu-Gold 3 (Accu-Gold Windows Application)





The Radcal Accu-Gold 3 is a powerful tool for radiation quality assurance that can be used in a variety of settings, including medical facilities, research labs, and industrial environments. It is capable of making measurements in a wide range of radiation environments, including x-ray, gamma, and beta radiation.

AG3’s Power is the introduction of Profiles which are able to control all aspects of a measurement application including the triggering sensor’s level, anode/filter selection, region(s) of interest as well as many other unique capabilities of the Accu-Gold system.  Imagine setting up a measurement one time and saving it as a favorite. Next time… just select your favorite.  Or, Simply use the preset profiles already included.


AG3 Download
Manual Download


Radcal is excited to introduce our new 10X6-60DAP chamber for measuring DAP and DAP Rate on CBCT systems. This time saving chamber can be combined with any of our Accu-Gold+ or Touch System platforms and is an easy addition to our already comprehensive array of measurement capabilities.

The Chamber can display data in Gy-m2 and Gy-cm2.

If you have a Radcal meter or need a new meter with DAP measurement capability designed to measure on challenging CBCT systems please contact, 626-357-7921 ext 111.


DAPcheck Plus DAP Check Light Field Congruence

The ‘DAP’ Chamber

Ideal for Dose Area Product (DAP) measurement of small beams such as Pan-Dental or CBCT-Dental.

•  Easy to use chamber mounting and alignment fixture that minimizes set-up time (Mounting holder included)
•  Auto ranging and convenient unit selection for Gy-m2 or Gy-cm2
•  Flat energy response over all RQR and RQA beams
•  Add to your existing Accu-Gold system – no calibration adjustments, just update your software and plug it in
•  Use with an Accu-Gold multi-sensor to simultaneously measure DAP, kVp, and hvl


Product BrochureDAP Chamber Manual